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White Pathway Vivica Partners
VP Classic in Transparent

Modern strategies, systems and support
to transform how leaders think, work and live.


We are on a mission to solve six challenges:
1- Leadership and self leadership continues to get harder. 
2- Cultural tendencies work against us everyday.
3- Blocks between ideas and ex
ecution aren't solved. 
Competative, unsafe, and uncertain work enviroments are common. 
5- Mentors and advice are primary ways to gain feedback and direction.
6- Learning is mistaken as an outcome without real life application. 

Let's solve them together.

open air theater on the lake

VPX Membership   

open air theater on the lake

1:1 Coaching Membership

open air theater on the lake

L-Team Membership


Becky Thalmann

Becky Thalmann
Founder, Vivica Partners
Life & Business Strategist, Certified Coach

"Becky helped me get on track with an entrepreneurial plan at a time when I couldn't see the forest for the trees."
"Her thought leadership, patience, and investment in my team onsite was critical for us to come together."
"Becky listened closely, encouraged me, and pulled a plan out of me that I didn't know was there. She's the one to go to when you want a no-nonsense, action-oriented, figure-it-out, get motivated-to-move kind of program."

"She has a rare ability to help you slow down and reflect, dig deep inside to find the answers, and take things step by step to create a new perspective."

"Brillant as always!"

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