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It's understandable to have questions or wonder what to expect as you work with a new partner for the first time. We value transparency and want to deliver answers to all your questions. (Like, we f-ing love questions; Coaching... business... life... we got you.)
How did you start Vivica Partners, and what does the name mean?Becky Thalmann founded Vivica Partners while still at Google and went all-in on the venture in 2022. The company represents the culmination of her experience and expertise. The name Vivica honors Becky’s two grandmothers, Vivien and Danica, who each championed their families’ entrepreneurial ventures and served as exceptional models in how to navigate life's greatest obstacles and wildest dreams with wit, wisdom, kindness, and candor. Entrepreneurship runs deep in her family; like her father, who immigrated to the U.S. and built his own business, Becky shares that same enterprising spirit. Many of her relatives have also forged their own paths as business owners. The “Partners” in Vivica Partners holds particular significance, reflecting her belief in working alongside clients as a true partner- an approach that sets her apart in the industry. As an aside, has anyone reading this tried to find a business name with a corresponding domain name in 2021 that’s not already taken? That. Shit. Is. Bananas.
What would you say makes your approach unique?Much of Becky Thalmann's work focuses on uncovering the deeper challenges beneath the surface. For example, when someone struggles with communication, the root issue often stems from a deeper blocker—such as fear or a mindset challenge. In today’s fast-paced and increasingly complex world, it’s easy to fall into repetitive patterns without realizing it. As a certified coach, she is trained in behavior change to drive more effective results. Rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach, she custom-designs solutions and structures that create sustainable change, ensuring long-term impact rather than temporary fixes.
What services do you offer through Vivica Partners?Becky Thalmann works with leaders, founders, executives, and leadership teams. In one-on-one coaching, she typically meets with clients one to three times per month, helping them navigate tough decisions, solve challenges, and drive meaningful change. She also facilitates small group cohorts of professionals with shared goals, creating a peer-group environment for support and growth. Additionally, she designs and leads leadership team workshops and offsites, guiding teams to step back, clarify their focus, and collaboratively tackle challenges. Many of her partnerships are built on long-term commitment, reflecting the philosophy captured by author James Clear: "The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game. True long-term thinking is goal-less thinking. It’s not about any single accomplishment. It’s about the cycle of endless refinement and continuous improvement. Ultimately, it’s your commitment to the process that will determine your progress." Mic drop.
Talk to me about your mission to help other people, Becky.When I was diagnosed with cancer at 35, with two young kids at the time, it was very life-altering. I took 10 months off for treatment and did everything I could to survive and thrive. That experience gave me a lot of clarity about how I wanted to spend my time. When I came back to Google, I was a different person- a 2.0 version of myself. It solidified my desire to work more directly with people and support them in a deeper way. I became a certified executive coach and was able to transfer those new skills and my previous experience into a leadership enablement role for 4,000 leaders. I led a team that developed a program called “The Google Way of Coaching,” which is a methodology for teaching leaders to use coaching skills to become more effective. Google still uses the program today, and it’s been very successful and highly regarded. We even won two Brandon Hall gold awards for our program after redesigning it to be all-virtual during the pandemic. I am incredibly passionate about my partnerships and feel so incredibly grateful to bear witness as others move forward in their one precious life in a way that propels them forward with a thriving mindset.
What is Core Energy Coaching?Traditional coaching methodologies are typically action oriented and the situation at hand. Therefore, the focus is on goals, steps, and accountability which can be extremely effective in the short run while a person’s enthusiasm and energy are running high. Unfortunately, our ability to sustain the outcome and repeat the process usually deteriorates over time. This is a symptom of underlying energy and mindset inhibitors. As a Core Energy Coach, Becky identifies the root cause of challenges and blocks to success, including limiting perspectives about the world, defeating thoughts, and outdated beliefs picked up from others. It's an unparalleled coaching approach so leaders shift inner blocks and create “choice” in how they think and feel. Results include: Long-term solutions, not just band-aid fixes Enabling stronger performance and results with less effort Reduced stress by changing reactions to circumstances Enabling clients to be agents of change in their own lives The Core Energy Coaching practice is founded on more than 10,000 hours of research and application over the course of 30 years. This interdisciplinary process has its roots in: Psychotherapy Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) Mentoring Consulting Quantum physics Metaphysics Adult and accelerated learning theories Emotional intelligence Leadership development Theories of conscious evolution Please note, I only engage in coaching with my clients and do not diagnose or treat mental health concerns. Copyright iPEC
How does Core Energy Coaching drive sustainable change?A Core Energy Coach is a pro at helping people unlock their infinite potential…. They lead you into the things you most want to experience in life by sharpening your inner lens so you can see more clearly. Once you have clear vision, you experience and interact with life at a different energy level that allows you to tackle barriers and overcome resistance. This new energy and outlook encourages sustainable action and powerful shifts instead of focusing merely on the result or outcome. We focus on the type of person you want to be/the way you want to feel/the way you interact with the world... not just one goal. You’re probably familiar with personality tests like Myers Briggs, DiSC, and Enneagram. These valuable tools can help you understand your strengths, embrace your weaknesses, and discover how you can work to your full potential. In that way, they typically support a “work with what you have” approach to adapting your behavior and pursuing personal excellence. The tools that Core Energy Coaching utilizes is an attitudinal assessment tool that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life. With the awareness and insights gained through the Energy Leadership Index debrief, clients have the opportunity to reshape their attitudes and worldview and “transform who they are.”
What is the Energy Leadership Index Assessment? How does it guide our coaching sessions?The Energy Leadership™ Index or ELI is an online assessment that measures how a leader perceives and approaches work and life. The ELI is an attitudinal assessment, not a personality-based, and it measures the energy levels a person is experiencing under both normal and stressful circumstances. Personality based assessments are insightful but you can't change your personality. The ELI is powerful because people have choice in their attitudes towards people and situations. The Energy Leadership™ Index is ranked #3 assessment by Forbes for executives. The ELI assessment explains how you show up in various aspects of your life. It measures your potential leadership ability by your level of consciousness – your awareness about who you are and what life is about. The assessment measures your ability to lead people, including yourself, to take positive, productive, and sustainable action. The assessment also measures how involved or engaged you are in your roles and tasks on the job and at home. Finally, it shows your energetic reaction to stress so that you can recognize and, if desired, modify that reaction. Copyright iPEC
What are your referral program benefits?Besides the fantastic feeling you get playing a role in changing somebody's life or business for the better- we offer anyone benefits if your referral becomes signs up for a partnership. Current client referral benefits are based on your program. Check out your program page for details on how we show our appreciation. Connectors (not current clients)- we would love to say thanks with a complimentary 60-minute session however you want to use it (for you, your team, etc).
Why do you swear so much?Great f-ing question. Psychologist Richard Stephens conducted an experiment in which subjects were asked to stick their hand in ice water and hold it as long as they could. The subjects conducted the chilling test while yelling out a curse word and then did so again using a neutral word. When swearing, people could keep their hands submerged for longer and their perception of the pain level went down. So, in conclusion, curse words are just magical mental armor. Seriously? Have you ever dropped a well-timed F-Bomb? That shit will make the sun rise.
What is the difference between coaching and therapy?Therapy, psychotherapy, or counseling, focuses on mental health and emotional healing. With mental health treatment, a medical diagnosis is established and a treatment plan is created to assist with treating a mental health concern. Therapy often focuses on processing past events to assist with transitioning a client towards a healthy level of function. The therapist is viewed as the expert, who is clinically trained to treat their mental health disorder. Core Energy Coaching is quite different in that it is present and future focused, only exploring the past if it will help with understanding their current life. The coach is viewed as a partner, not a top-down expert, in helping clients identify where they are, where they want to be, and how to get there.
I still have a question!Shoot us an email: We love questions!
Who do you typically work with?Becky Thalmann works with a diverse range of clients, including small business owners, founders, leaders, and global executives at companies such as Google, Crate & Barrel, and others. Most of her clients come through referrals, and she collaborates with professionals across the country.
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